COVID-19 situation update worldwide, as of week 50 2020

ECDC switched to a weekly reporting schedule for the COVID-19 situation worldwide and in the EU/EEA and the UK on 17 December 2020. Hence, all daily updates have been discontinued from 14 December. ECDC will publish updates on the number of cases and deaths reported worldwide and aggregated by week every Thursday. The weekly data will be available as downloadable files in the following formats: XLSX, CSV, JSON and XML. As an exception, the weekly updates for the end-of-year festive season will be published on 23 December and 30 December 2020.

Data presented on this page are collected between Monday and Wednesday for the preceding week and published on Thursdays

Disclaimer: National updates are published at different times and in different time zones. This, and the time ECDC needs to process these data, may lead to discrepancies between the national numbers and the numbers published by ECDC. Users are advised to use all data with caution and awareness of their limitations. Data are subject to retrospective corrections; corrected datasets are released as soon as processing of updated national data has been completed.

Download latest data How are the data collected? Interpretation of the data  Sources: Worldwide data

Since 31 December 2019 and as of week 2020-50, 71 554 018 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries) have been reported, including 1 613 671 deaths.

Cases have been reported from:

Africa: 2 381 003 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are South Africa (860 964), Morocco (399 609), Egypt (121 575), Ethiopia (116 769) and Tunisia (111 361).

Asia: 16 782 206 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are India (9 884 100), Iran (1 108 269), Indonesia (617 820), Iraq (574 634) and Bangladesh (490 533).

America: 30 889 863 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are United States (16 256 754), Brazil (6 901 952), Argentina (1 498 160), Colombia (1 425 774) and Mexico (1 250 044).

Europe: 21 446 672 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Russia (2 653 928), France (2 376 852), United Kingdom (1 849 403), Italy (1 843 712) and Spain (1 751 884).

Oceania: 53 569 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Australia (28 031), French Polynesia (15 747), Guam (7 106), New Zealand (1 740) and Papua New Guinea (725).

Other: 705 cases have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan.

Deaths have been reported from:

Africa: 56 342 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are South Africa (23 276), Egypt (6 920), Morocco (6 624), Tunisia (3 894) and Algeria (2 596).

Asia: 290 130 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are India (143 355), Iran (52 196), Indonesia (18 819), Iraq (12 579) and Pakistan (8 832).

America: 785 462 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United States (299 177), Brazil (181 402), Mexico (113 953), Argentina (40 766) and Colombia (39 053).

Europe: 480 572 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are Italy (64 520), United Kingdom (64 170), France (57 911), Spain (48 013) and Russia (46 941).

Oceania: 1 159 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are Australia (908), Guam (118), French Polynesia (96), New Zealand (25) and Papua New Guinea (8).

Other: 6 deaths have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan.

Data on 14-day notification rate of new COVID-19 cases and deaths

These files contain data on the 14-day notification rate of newly reported COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population and 14-day notification rate of reported deaths per million population by week and country, in EU/EEA and the UK. Each row contains the corresponding data for a certain day and per country. The files are updated weekly. You may use the data in accordance to ECDC’s copyright policy.

Epidemiological curves

These histograms are based on the available information at the time of publication, originating from several sources. Data completeness depends on the availability of information from the affected areas. All data should be interpreted with caution as the outbreak is evolving rapidly. In addition, due to the unavailability of date-of-onset data and different testing policies per country, this figure might not be reflective of the evolution of the epidemic.

Distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide, as of week 50 2020

Distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide, as of week 50 2020
Distribution of cases of COVID-19 by continent (according to the applied case definition and testing strategies in the affected countries)

Cases reported in accordance with the applied case definition and testing strategies in the affected countries.

Distribution of COVID-19 deaths, worldwide, as of week 50 2020

Distribution of COVID-19 deaths, worldwide, as of week 50 2020
Distribution of cases of COVID-19 deaths worldwide, by continent

In the graph, no deaths are reported on 25 May in Europe due to the national retro-correction of death data in Spain. The number of deaths in Europe was less than the negative numbers reported by Spain that day.

Geographic distribution of COVID-19

14-day COVID-19 case notification rate per 100 000, weeks 49-50

Geographic distribution of 14-day cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population, worldwide week 49-50 2020
14-day COVID-19 case notification rate per 100 000, weeks 49-50
Region Places reporting cases Sum of Cases Sum of Deaths Confirmed cases during the 14-days of the reporting  period  Reporting period YYYY-WW
Africa Algeria 92102 2596 9881 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Angola 16188 371 1085 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Benin 3090 44 116 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Botswana 12873 38 2881 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Burkina_Faso 4030 71 1174 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Burundi 729 1 48 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Cameroon 25359 445 1242 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Cape_Verde 11357 110 831 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Central_African_Republic 4936 63 23 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Chad 1770 102 88 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Comoros 628 7 17 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Congo 6200 100 426 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Cote_dIvoire 21680 133 370 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo 14512 355 1811 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Djibouti 5728 61 51 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Egypt 121575 6920 6034 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Equatorial_Guinea 5195 85 42 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Eritrea 711 0 134 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Eswatini 6768 127 358 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Ethiopia 116769 1806 7235 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Gabon 9351 63 160 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Gambia 3782 123 48 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Ghana 53014 327 1445 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Guinea 13457 80 418 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Guinea_Bissau 2447 44 25 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Kenya 91892 1587 8576 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Lesotho 2285 44 176 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Liberia 1771 83 176 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Libya 90779 1299 8349 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Madagascar 17638 258 297 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Malawi 6066 187 41 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Mali 5814 194 1155 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Mauritania 10971 225 2422 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Mauritius 523 10 22 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Morocco 399609 6624 45806 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Mozambique 16954 142 1341 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Namibia 16536 160 2191 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Niger 2258 80 742 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Nigeria 73175 1197 5763 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Rwanda 6659 56 740 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Sao_Tome_and_Principe 1009 17 20 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Senegal 17075 349 1000 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Seychelles 202 0 29 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Sierra_Leone 2445 75 34 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Somalia 4579 121 134 2020-49 and 2020-50
  South_Africa 860964 23276 73262 2020-49 and 2020-50
  South_Sudan 3223 62 114 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Sudan 21386 1347 3759 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Togo 3251 66 289 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Tunisia 111361 3894 15110 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Uganda 27532 221 7387 2020-49 and 2020-50
  United_Republic_of_Tanzania 509 21 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Western_Sahara 766 1 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Zambia 18274 367 666 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Zimbabwe 11246 307 1296 2020-49 and 2020-50
America Anguilla 10 0 6 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Antigua_and_Barbuda 148 5 7 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Argentina 1498160 40766 79366 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Aruba 5049 46 211 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bahamas 7674 163 178 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Barbados 296 7 21 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Belize 9295 195 3552 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bermuda 431 9 180 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bolivia 147150 9018 2528 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba 173 3 12 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Brazil 6901952 181402 587212 2020-49 and 2020-50
  British_Virgin_Islands 80 1 7 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Canada 460743 13431 90465 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Cayman_Islands 298 2 24 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Chile 571919 15886 21489 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Colombia 1425774 39053 117398 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Costa_Rica 153169 1936 16076 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Cuba 9423 137 1190 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Curaçao 3624 11 1260 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Dominica 88 0 3 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Dominican_Republic 154692 2361 11219 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Ecuador 202110 13875 9993 2020-49 and 2020-50
  El_Salvador 41880 1205 3475 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Falkland_Islands_(Malvinas) 19 0 2 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Greenland 19 0 1 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Grenada 69 0 28 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Guatemala 129282 4423 7311 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Guyana 5920 155 544 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Haiti 9565 234 301 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Honduras 114359 2975 6471 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Jamaica 11710 273 1001 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Mexico 1250044 113953 142973 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Montserrat 13 1 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Nicaragua 5887 162 103 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Panama 193007 3356 28278 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Paraguay 93582 1953 11676 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Peru 984973 36677 22443 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Puerto_Rico 107158 1272 16563 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis 28 0 6 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Saint_Lucia 275 4 18 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines 98 0 13 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Sint_Maarten 1249 26 183 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Suriname 5353 117 41 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Trinidad_and_Tobago 6879 122 219 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Turks_and_Caicos_islands 769 6 21 2020-49 and 2020-50
  United_States_of_America 16256754 299177 2873433 2020-49 and 2020-50
  United_States_Virgin_Islands 1828 23 284 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Uruguay 9708 92 3992 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Venezuela 107177 949 5137 2020-49 and 2020-50
Asia Afghanistan 49273 1971 3429 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bahrain 89143 348 2356 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bangladesh 490533 7052 28126 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bhutan 438 0 42 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Brunei_Darussalam 152 3 2 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Cambodia 359 0 36 2020-49 and 2020-50
  China 92021 4739 207 2020-49 and 2020-50
  India 9884100 143355 452409 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Indonesia 617820 18819 83554 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Iran 1108269 52196 159520 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Iraq 574634 12579 24199 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Israel 357859 2999 21879 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Japan 179653 2585 32893 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Jordan 259614 3365 45307 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Kazakhstan 186277 2552 12471 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Kuwait 146218 911 3792 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Kyrgyzstan 77674 1312 4867 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Laos 41 0 2 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Lebanon 146520 1200 19576 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Malaysia 83475 415 18990 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Maldives 13368 48 374 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Mongolia 912 0 121 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Myanmar 108342 2268 18856 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Nepal 248423 1698 16445 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Oman 126240 1471 2756 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Pakistan 440787 8832 42763 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Palestine 124657 1079 27869 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Philippines 449400 8733 19536 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Qatar 141121 241 2473 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Saudi_Arabia 359888 6048 2760 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Singapore 58320 29 107 2020-49 and 2020-50
  South_Korea 43484 587 9283 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Sri_Lanka 32790 152 9306 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Syria 9166 518 1369 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Taiwan 740 7 65 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Tajikistan 12704 88 549 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Thailand 4237 60 260 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Timor_Leste 31 0 1 2020-49 and 2020-50
  United_Arab_Emirates 184949 617 17196 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Uzbekistan 75094 612 2224 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Vietnam 1397 35 54 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Yemen 2083 606 6 2020-49 and 2020-50
Europe Albania 48530 1003 10905 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Andorra 7338 79 626 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Armenia 148682 2503 13558 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Austria 320036 4400 41854 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Azerbaijan 175874 1922 57679 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Belarus 160295 1263 25287 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Belgium 611284 18170 30125 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bosnia_and_Herzegovina 101117 3336 13743 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Bulgaria 179449 5688 36963 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Croatia 175886 2640 49274 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Cyprus 15101 78 4718 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Czechia 581079 9609 61356 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Denmark 109758 941 30406 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Estonia 18055 149 6003 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Faroe_Islands 528 0 26 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Finland 30810 461 6181 2020-49 and 2020-50
  France 2376852 57911 158369 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Georgia 191063 1839 55479 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Germany 1337078 21975 283209 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Gibraltar 1075 5 61 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Greece 124534 3625 20307 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Guernsey 289 13 3 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Holy_See 26 0 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Hungary 283870 7130 66748 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Iceland 5557 28 176 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Ireland 76185 2124 3944 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Isle_of_Man 373 25 4 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Italy 1843712 64520 258534 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Jersey 1779 32 851 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Kosovo 46580 1198 7523 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Latvia 25675 349 8700 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Liechtenstein 1514 18 241 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Lithuania 95021 825 33696 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Luxembourg 41272 396 7299 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Malta 11254 174 1502 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Moldova 126518 2572 19501 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Monaco 668 2 60 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Montenegro 41426 582 6545 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Netherlands 612746 10034 94473 2020-49 and 2020-50
  North_Macedonia 73638 2121 12095 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Norway 41003 393 6256 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Poland 1135676 22864 150601 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Portugal 348744 5559 53945 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Romania 556335 13385 84799 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Russia 2653928 46941 384612 2020-49 and 2020-50
  San_Marino 1947 51 361 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Serbia 266432 2331 97218 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Slovakia 132984 1175 27251 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Slovenia 96314 1459 20933 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Spain 1751884 48013 103697 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Sweden 341029 7667 79974 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Switzerland 372329 5378 55312 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Turkey 995471 16199 409380 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Ukraine 900666 15247 177987 2020-49 and 2020-50
  United_Kingdom 1849403 64170 232076 2020-49 and 2020-50
Oceania Australia 28031 908 138 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Fiji 46 2 4 2020-49 and 2020-50
  French_Polynesia 15747 96 1651 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Guam 7106 118 288 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Marshall_Islands 4 0 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
  New_Caledonia 36 0 4 2020-49 and 2020-50
  New_Zealand 1740 25 40 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Northern_Mariana_Islands 113 2 7 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Papua_New_Guinea 725 8 70 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Solomon_Islands 17 0 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Vanuatu 1 0 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
  Wallis_and_Futuna 3 0 0 2020-49 and 2020-50
Other Cases_on_an_international_conveyance_Japan 705 6   2020-49 and 2020-50
Total   71554018 1613671 8686412