
Updated June 23, 2020

The COVID-19 response has highlighted the need for a multidisciplinary public health approach—with surveillance, laboratory and health care systems/networks, and others, intersecting and coordinating as part of a larger emergency response system. This disease-specific guidance builds on the all-hazard approach for RRTs outlined in the RRT General Guidance 3 and assumes an RRT has been established using the RRT Non-Emergency Phase processes. The considerations presented, though written specifically for COVID-19, can be useful for and applied to other disease contexts. CDC staff should adapt this supplement according to a country’s emergency response context and existing resources.


This document was written and prepared by Puneet Anantharam, MPH, Ashley Greiner, MD, MPH, Adela Hoffman, MPH, and Tasha Stehling-Ariza, PhD of the CDC COVID-19 International Task Force: Emergency Response Capacity Team. Questions should be referred to

We acknowledge the following contributions (in alphabetical order) supporting the CDC COVID-19 International Task Force:

  • Pam Bachanas, PhD
  • Amanda Balish, MPH, MS
  • Jennifer Bornemann, MS
  • Dante Bugli, MPH
  • Leah Dick, MPH
  • Danica Gomes, MD, MSc
  • Margaret McCarron, MPH
  • Benjamin Park, MD
  • Laura Pechta, PhD, MA
  • Minesh Shah, MD, MPH
  • Katie Wilson, MPH


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Last Updated June 23, 2020