Schools and Child Care Programs​

Schools and Child Care Programs​

Plan, Prepare, and Respond

user friends light iconParents and Caregivers: information on schools, health, coping, and more…

School and Program Administrators
Operating Schools During COVID-19

Guiding principles and mitigation strategies

Reopening: Decision-Making Indicators

Measures of spread in communities can help with decisions about reopening schools

Returning to In-Person Learning

COVID-19 Mitigation Toolkit

To help schools plan for in-person instruction and ongoing operations during COVID-19: K-12 Mitigation Toolkit pdf iconpdf icon[PDF – 36 pages] (print only)

Get Ready for In-Person Learning

Conduct a 5-step walkthrough with health officials to review planned COVID-19 mitigation strategies: School Walkthrough Guide pdf icon pdf icon[PDF – 30 pages]

Setting Up Your Classroom

Modify your classroom layout to promote behaviors and settings that reduce the risk of COVID-19: How Do I Set Up My Classroom? pdf icon[PDF – 7 pages] (print only)

Teacher and Staff Checklists

To help teachers and staff prepare themselves and their families, students, and classrooms: Teachers and Staff Resuming In-Person Learning pdf icon[PDF – 3 pages] (print only)

For Teachers and Staff
Monitoring and Evaluation

K-12 Schools Evaluation
Monitor and evaluate your prevention and control strategies

Printable Posters and Graphics
A student is showing signs of covid-19 in my classroom: what do I do?pdf icon
A Student is Showing Signs of COVID-19 in My Classroom: What Do I Do?

Quick Guide for Teachers

A student is showing signs of covid-19: Quick guide for School Nursespdf icon
A Student is Showing Signs of COVID-19 and Needs to be Isolated: What Do I Do?

Quick Guide for School Nurses or School COVID-19 POC(s)

My Child is Showing Signs of COVID-19 at School: What Do I Do?pdf icon
My Child is Showing Signs of COVID-19 at School: What Do I Do?

Quick Guide for Parents and Guardians

Stop the spread of germs that can make you and others sick!pdf icon
Stop the Spread (Poster)

Preventative actions to help protect yourself and others.

Hands that look clean can still have icky germs! wash get soap Washpdf icon
Wash Your Hands (Poster)

Help children learn how to wash their hands.

Germs are all around you.pdf icon
Germs Are All Around You (Poster)

Stay healthy. Wash your hands.

Handwashing is your superpower!pdf icon
Handwashing Is Your Superpower (Poster)

Fight off Germs. Wash your hands.

Cover coughs and sneezes stop the spread of germs that can make others sick!pdf icon
Cover Coughs and Sneezes (Poster)

Educate children on how to stop the spread of germs.

K-12 students pdf icon
Did You Wash Your Hands? (Poster)

Help students do their part by washing their hands often.

K-12 students pdf icon
Don’t Let Your Germs Go For A Ride (Poster)

Remind students to cover their coughs and sneezes.

K-12 students pdf icon
Keep Space Between You And Others (Poster)

Encourage students to keep 6 feet of space when possible.

K-12 Students class rules posterpdf icon
Class Rules for COVID-19 (Poster)

Encourage students to follow these rules to stay safe and protect others.

K-12 students pdf icon
Don’t Feel Well? (Poster)

Encourage students to tell a teacher if they feel sick.