Data, Surveys, & Trends

About AZA and Its Membership


Zoo and Aquarium Statistics
Up-to-date numbers for some of the most widely used statistics about the AZA community

Directors Demographic Survey
Directors Demographic Survey represents the demographic information of the AZA-accredited zoo and aquarium Directors. (Professional Fellow login required)

Economic Impact Reports
Economic Impact Reports represent the economic impact of AZA-accredited aquariums and zoos (professional member login required)

Institution Benchmark Reports
Benchmark Reports represent a cross-section of data reported by AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums (professional member login required)

Earned Revenue Reports
Earned Revenue data provides detail about revenue-generating operations reported by AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums (professional member login required)

Species Survival Statistics
Scientists at Lincoln Park Zoo and the AZA Population Management Center (PMC), with support from the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, have created a reference library of scientifically-valid median life expectancies for many of the highest profile species in AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums (professional member login required)

Visitor and Public Research
AZA conducts research to gain a better understanding of how visits to AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums are interpreted and valued by their visitors and to assess public opinions on issues of conservation concern (professional member login required)


Trends in Visitor Diversity
The face of our nation is changing daily. How will zoos and aquariums adapt to these changes in audience and culture? The AZA Trends Committee has developed a Visitor Diversity Toolkit, published in 2015, focusing on the changes in demographics and the impacts of these changing demographics on the visitors to our zoological facilities (professional member login required)

Volunteer Program Survey
In the spring of 2016, the AZA Volunteer Management Committee surveyed AZA member institutions that reported having volunteer programs. The resulting information was published in a Benchmarking Survey (professional member login required)

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