Sector Coordinating Councils

The Sector Coordinating Councils (SCCs) are self-organized and self-governed councils that enable critical infrastructure owners and operators, their trade associations, and other industry representatives to interact on a wide range of sector-specific strategies, policies, and activities. The SCCs coordinate and collaborate with sector-specific agencies (SSAs) and related Government Coordinating Councils (GCCs) to address the entire range of critical infrastructure security and resilience policies and efforts for that sector.

SCCs serve as the sector's voice and also facilitate the government's collaboration with the sector for critical infrastructure security and resilience activities. In addition, the SCCs are encouraged to establish voluntary practices to ensure that sector perspectives are included. Other primary functions of an SCC may include:

  • Serve as a strategic communications and coordination mechanism between owners, operators, trade associations, suppliers, and the government during emerging threats or response and recovery operations, as determined by the sector.
  • Identify, implement, and support appropriate information-sharing capabilities and mechanisms in sectors where no information-sharing structure exists.
  • Encourage representative sector membership.
  • Participate in planning efforts related to the revision of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, the development and revision of Sector-Specific Plans (SSP), and the annual submission to DHS on sector activities.
  • Facilitate inclusive organization and coordination of the sector’s policy development regarding critical infrastructure security and resilience planning and preparedness, exercises and training, public awareness, and associated implementation activities and requirements.
  • Identify, develop, and share information with the sector (both public and private sector members) concerning effective cybersecurity practices, such as cybersecurity working groups, risk assessments, strategies, and plans.
  • Provide input to the government on sector research and development efforts and requirements.

Sector Coordinating Council Charters and Membership

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