Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce

The Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers Guidance Version 4.0 provides guidance on how jurisdictions and critical infrastructure owners can use the list to assist in prioritizing the ability of essential workers to work safely while supporting ongoing infrastructure operations across the nation.   

CISA issued the guidance originally on March 19, 2020, and published three additional updates to reflect the changing landscape of the nation’s COVID-19 response. While earlier versions were primarily intended to help officials and organizations identify essential work functions in order to allow them access to their workplaces during times of community restrictions, Version 4.0 identifies those essential workers that require specialized risk management strategies to ensure that they can work safely. It can also be used to begin planning and preparing for the allocation of scarce resources used to protect essential workers against COVID-19.

On December 16, 2020, the memorandum for Version 4.0 of this guidance was updated to support prioritization decisions related to COVID-19 vaccines, especially in the early stages when the vaccines are in short supply.

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