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Training in Research in Integrative Medicine (TRIM)

University of California at San Francisco
Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Box 1726
San Francisco, CA 94143-1726
United States
Web site:

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Osher Center for Integrative Medicine is committed to searching for the most effective treatments for patients by combining both conventional and complementary approaches that address all aspects of health and wellness—biological, psychological, social and spiritual.

The center has three major programs: research, education, and patient care, all focused on integrative medicine. The postdoctoral fellowship for training in research in integrative medicine (T.R.I.M.) overlaps all three programs. Trainees are accepted for a three-year interdisciplinary program designed for physicians, behavioral and social scientists, and doctoral-level CAM practitioners. The program consists of required seminars and formal course work, individual mentoring, research and creative activity, elective seminars and classes, teaching, and a number of optional activities.

Our training program will provide an interdisciplinary clinical and research environment that brings together physicians, credentialed CAM practitioners, behavioral scientists, social scientists, ethicists, and health services researchers; exposure to diverse complementary, alternative, and integrative approaches to patient care involving patients in all age groups from early childhood through adolescence, adulthood and geriatric patients; access to practitioners with clinical expertise in CAM and integrative approaches to care; access to advanced training in biological and psychological research methodologies to support clinical research in CAM and integrative medicine; and academic training in clinical research. All program participants will be encouraged to complete the UCSF Training In Clinical Research program. They will also have the opportunity to conduct original research. Participants will receive training in research ethics and mentoring by an experienced and diverse research faculty.

Mechanism: T32