Communities of Practice

Collaborate and share resources with others across government.

A/B Testing

We encourage data-driven decisions and continuous optimization through A/B testing.


Supporting people working with agile/lean methodologies and those who would like to learn more.


Working to advance the cause of APIs in the federal government

Artificial Intelligence

Supporting and coordinating the use of artificial intelligence technologies in federal agencies.


We’re interested in exploring distributed ledger technology and its implementation within government.

Challenge & Prize

We encourage public participation in crowdsourcing competitions to find innovative government solutions.

Cloud and Infrastructure

A community for those who support their agency’s IT modernization efforts, and want to learn about application rationalization, data center optimization, and federal cloud computing.

Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science

We work across government develop best practices for designing, implementing, and evaluating crowdsourcing and citizen science initiatives.


The practice of operations and development staff participating in the entire service lifecycle to operate rapidly changing resilient systems at scale.


We work across agencies to implement government-wide solutions for making mobile technologies better.


We are working to expand and improve digital content in languages other than English.

Open Data

A community listserv and working group that unites 900 open data leads at federal agencies, data stewards, and all others in government interested in open data, enterprise data inventory, civic tech, and data-driven government issues.

Open Source

A federal government community interested in source code and open source software (OSS).


The Interagency Open Government Community of Practice is where we talk about transparency, open-participation, and collaboration across agencies.

Plain Language

Our goal is to promote the use of plain language for all government communications.

Results-Oriented Accountability for Grants

Our community engages stakeholders around the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), and the Results-Oriented Accountability for Grants Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goal.

Social Media

We are dedicated to improving the creation, adoption and evaluation of digital engagement programs and emerging social technologies and strategies for public services.

U.S. Web Design System

A community for anyone building federal websites with the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) or considering it for a future project.

User Experience

Join other federal user experience practitioners and learn how to make better user-centered products.

Video Production Pros

Video Production Pros brings together passionate storytellers, artists, social gurus, strategists, and video production experts from across the U.S. government.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

A collaborative hub for the research and refinement of VR and AR business cases and pilot programs across government.

Web Content Managers

The Web Content Managers Forum is a community of government employees who share ideas, challenges, lessons learned, and best practices in managing the content of government websites.