News and Updates

Innovative work, news and ideas from people and teams in government
Government Accountability Officelogo

Agile Assessment Guide: Best Practices for Agile Adoption and Implementation—Agile is an approach to software development in which software is developed incrementally and is continuously evaluated for functionality, quality, and customer satisfaction. Agile can reduce the risks of funding a program that fails or produces outdated technology. This GAO guide released in September 2020 presents federal auditors and others with best practices to assess the adoption and use of Agile in federal agencies and elsewhere. It is available in two files: a 268-page PDF, and a 290-page PDF that is accessible. — via Government Accountability Office

Dec 29, 2020

Digital Analytics Programlogo

Become a DAP Certified Analyst—The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) now offers the opportunity to become a DAP Certified Analyst. Prospective analysts must complete the DAP Certification Exam with a score of 80 percent or better. The exam is 50 questions and is multiple choice. Prospective analysts can take the exam more than once. — via Digital Analytics Program

Dec 28, 2020


How to Build an Analytics Strategy—The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) recently partnered with to help set up an analytics strategy to monitor their website and overall platform performance. DAP provided a start-to-finish approach for assessing, reporting, and taking action using this strategy in a 3-part series. — via

Dec 23, 2020


USWDS Monthly Call - December 2020

Join the U.S. Web Design System team as we look at what’s in our latest release: USWDS 2.10.0!
Dec 17, 2020

A Dashboard for Privacy Offices—Through work funded by 10x, a team from 18F investigated how technology can help busy privacy offices manage your PII, and make their work more accessible and understandable for the public. — via 18F

Dec 15, 2020

National Archives and Records Administrationlogo

Transition Post 4: President-Elect Transition Team Materials—Here is a fourth post in GAO’s series on records management during presidential transitions; it is related to questions concerning the records management responsibilities related to Transition Teams. — via National Archives and Records Administration

Dec 14, 2020


COVID-19 Is Complex, as Is COVID-19 Open Data—HHS recently released granular Covid-19 Hospital Data in order improve data sharing to accelerate scientific and public health insights. — via

Dec 14, 2020

TTS Bug Bounty Program: 3 Year Review

We’re reflecting on our Bug Bounty program for the last 3 years and highlighting some lessons learned.
Dec 14, 2020
Customer Experience

Federal Student Aid’s New Virtual Assistant Offers Model for Improved Customer Service in Government

Aidan, Federal Student Aid’s new virtual assistant, gives customers instant responses to questions about financial aid, loan balances, repayment plans, where to find pages on, how to identify their loan servicers, and more, without having to contact a call center.
Dec 07, 2020

Practical Tips for Accessible Content and Multilingual Websites

In this talk, we’ll focus on content creation and how accessibility supports multilingual work.
Dec 03, 2020
National Archives and Records Administrationlogo

Archivist Memorandum to Agency Heads on Presidential Transition—On Monday, November 30, the Archivist of the United States sent a memorandum to agency heads reminding them of the importance of records management during a presidential transition. In this memo, the Archivist emphasizes that in order to have a successful transition, it is crucial that agency heads work with their Senior Agency Official for Records Management and Agency Records Officers to ensure that this message is communicated within the agency and that all agency officials and employees are properly briefed on their records management responsibilities. Review the resources posted on their website for additional information about federal records management during transition. — via National Archives and Records Administration

Dec 01, 2020


Deceptive Design: How to Identify and Combat Consequence Design—Consequence design is part of everyday life. Deceptive techniques like “dark patterns” and “hostile design” trick people into taking unintended actions—learn how to prevent them from sneaking into our design work. — via

Dec 01, 2020

Robotic Process Automation

State of Federal RPA Report: Adoption and Impact of Robotic Process Automation in the Federal Government

The State of Federal RPA report describes the growth and maturity of Federal RPA Programs to convey agency progress in digital transformation and automation.
Nov 30, 2020

USWDS Monthly Call - November 2020

Join U.S. Web Design System Product Lead, Dan Williams, to hear about what’s next for the design system as we come to the end of 2020.
Nov 19, 2020

Customer Experience & Continuous Improvement: The USPS Digital Approach

This presentation lays out’s continuous improvement approach and how it combines analytics and customer feedback with iterative heuristic reviews, design, and usability testing to monitor, improve, and evolve the CX.
Nov 12, 2020
Artificial Intelligence

Overview of NIST Initiatives on Artificial Intelligence Standards, Principles, and Critical AI Issues

In this webinar, experts from the National Institute of Standards and Technology provide an overview of their key artificial intelligence initiatives including responsible, trustworthy, and explainable AI.
Nov 04, 2020
Federal Crowdsourcing

Federal Crowdsourcing Webinar Series, Episode 15 — 10x: Transforming Technology Through Agile Investments

In this webinar, we will discuss GSA’s incremental investment program, 10x, which is modeled after modern venture capital best practices and start up studios.
Oct 29, 2020

Zero Pageviews Is Your Goal: Finding Problem Pages with Website Analytics

Improve customer experience by turning your website analytics upside down to track the numbers for pages you DON’T want visitors to see.
Oct 27, 2020

Discovery BPA Evaluation Process: How to Operationalize this Practice

This guide provides acquisition professionals the steps and resources needed to operationalize the evaluation process developed for the Discovery BPA.
Oct 26, 2020

True Crime Detectives: How We Used Free Web Metrics Tools To Uncover a Cybersecurity Incident

Join as we slowly uncover a conspiracy to scam Americans using fake government websites… and then try to foil the caper!
Oct 26, 2020