Welcome to The Community Guide’s new website. Comments and suggestions on the site’s look and feel are welcome: communityguide@cdc.gov.

Children playing soccer outdoors as an example of increasing Physical Activity and Fitness

Physical Activity

Studies show that regular physical activity reduces the risk for depression, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, and certain kinds of cancer. Yet, only 1 in 5 adults meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans External Web Site Icon and less than 3 in 10 high school students get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day (CDC) External Web Site Icon.

Task Force Findings 
Recommended Completed December 2013
Insufficient Evidence Completed March 2010
Recommended Completed February 2007
Presentations and Promotional Materials

Community Guide In Action: Stories from the Field

Creating Walkable Communities in Rural North Carolina
Walkable Communities: Video – 8:55 Audio/VideoExternal Web Site Icon

Evidence-Based Recommendations Get Minnesotans in the Groove

Investing in Worksite Wellness for Employees

Putting the Community Guide to Work at Workplaces: Partnering to Reach Employers

Rural Community Works Together to Stay "Fun and Fit"

Using Innovative Technology to Increase Physical Activity

Community Guide News

Developed by The Community Guide

Community Preventive Services Task Force Recommends Enhanced School-Based Physical Education

What Works – Fact Sheets

What Works Fact Sheet: Increasing Physical Activity [PDF - 859 kB]

Community Guide Flyer

image of flyerDownload the flyer [PDF - 353 kB]

Use this quick-read description of the Community Guide as a handout for presentations or as a stand-alone piece for exhibits, webinars, meetings, and conferences. [Two pages, designed to print front-and-back, head-to-head in color, on white 8.5" x 11" paper]


The Community Guide in Action

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