Mindfulness Coach - Mobile App Icon

Mindfulness Coach

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Mindfulness Coach was designed to help Veterans, Servicemembers and others learn how to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness means paying attention, on purpose, to whatever is going on in the present moment without passing judgment on it.


  • Nine guided exercises to practice the core concepts of mindfulness
  • Education to help the user understand the benefits of mindfulness
  • Logs for keeping track of mindfulness practice

Mindfulness Coach was created to introduce the concept of mindfully focusing attention and to facilitate the acquisition of the skill through practice. The App can be used on its own by those who would like mindfulness tools or to augment face-to-face care with a health care professional.

  • Mindfulness Coach Home Screen
  • Mindfulness Coach Top Level Menu Items

Need to Know

  • Mindfulness Coach can be used on its own, but it is not intended to replace therapy or other treatment for those who need it.
  • The App provides patients with exercises, tools, information and tracking logs to help them practice mindfulness in their daily life.
  • Mindfulness has been shown to be effective for reducing stress, improving emotional balance, increasing self-awareness, helping with anxiety and depression, and coping more effectively with chronic pain.

Mindfulness Coach is available for Apple mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch) and will be available for Android phones and tablets in 2014.

Training material coming soon...