Training and Career Development

infant in high chairNCMRR supports the following training opportunities for researchers and clinicians who intend to focus on medical rehabilitation topics.

Individual Research Fellowships (F): NICHD supports fellowships under the National Research Service Award program for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. These include:

  • Individual Predoctoral M.D./Ph.D. and Other Dual Doctoral Degree Fellows (F30)
  • Individual Predoctoral Fellowships to Provide Diversity (F31)
  • Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships (F32)

Career Development (K) Awards: NICHD sponsors awards for senior level postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty. These include:

  • Mentored Career Development Awards (K01, K08, K23, K25, K99)
    • K01 applicants must have clinical training in a rehabilitation-related profession (e.g., P.T., O.T., R.N., or speech and language pathologist), possess a doctoral level degree (e.g., Ph.D., D.Eng., D.Ed.), and be committed to a career as an independent investigator in medical rehabilitation.

Institutional Training Grants (T32/K12): These awards are made to institutions to support groups of pre- and/or postdoctoral fellows, including trainees in basic, clinical, and behavioral sciences. These include:

Education Grants (R25): NICHD sponsors education grants for summer research experiences and methodologically oriented short courses.

The Training in Grantsmanship in Rehabilitation Research  workshop, funded through NCMRR and held by the Medical University of South Carolina, provides expertise and support to help rehabilitation researchers be successful in obtaining research grant support.

In addition, the center participates in other NICHD-wide training and career development opportunities. Visit Support for Training at Universities and Other Institutions (Extramural) for more information.

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