Natural Hazards


The USGS Natural Hazards Mission Area (NHMA) develops and applies hazard science to help promote the safety, security, and economic well-being of the Nation. By working with partners, cooperators, and customers, NHMA delivers actionable assessments of natural hazards and risk and helps develop effective strategies to achieve resilient communities. 

Science Strategy

Science Strategy

Our Science Strategy guides us in fulfilling our mission in providing scientific observations, analyses, and research that are critical for the Nation to become more resilient to natural hazards.

Science Strategy

Each Year More People and Infrastructure are at Risk

Each Year More People and Infrastructure are at Risk

USGS explores opportunities to advance its capabilities to assess, mitigate, and communicate about risk.

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domed instrument on a tripod with water and a snowcapped mountain in the background

The USGS conducts collaborative stakeholder-driven science so communities can become more resilient to the impacts of...

3 people on a boat lowering an instrument into the water on a pulley

These USGS Programs perform subduction zone research.

Dave Applegate Associate Director, Natural Hazards, USGS

Scientists and staff within the Natural Hazards Mission Area (NHMA) work within six science Programs: Coastal/Marine Hazards and Resources, Earthquake Hazards, Geomagnetism, Global Seismographic Network, Landslide Hazards, and Volcano Hazards located at Science Centers across the nation to fulfill the agency’s mission for natural hazards science.