COVID-19 Data Analysis

Johns Hopkins Unitversity CSSE Group is considered to be the gold standard for COVID-19 data. They provide daily detailed data on COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recoveries for almost every country in the world, including separate data for each US State and US County.  The data is collected from various sources including the World Health Organization daily situation reports.   I have analyzed that data and developed a model that fits the data for most countries and states extremely well.  The model can make reasonably accurate projections about where the data on COVID-19 is headed in each reported area.   This website presents the results of my model in graphic form along 20-week projections, including uncertainties, of where the case and death rates are expected to be headed.

Page last updated 8/17/2020

Some other good sources of COVID-19 data are:   WHO daily situation reports with data   University of Washington's analysis show in White House press conferences   The COVID Tracking Project   California Department of Public Health data