COVID-19 Information

Please see the U.S. Embassy Dakar’s COVID-19 page for information on potential repatriation for U.S. citizens.

    • Last updated: 12/15/20

    Country-Specific Information:

      • The State of Calamity has been lifted and replaced with a State of Alert, in effect through March 10, 2021.  The terms of this alert include:
        • Mandatory wearing of face coverings in public;
        • Exit and entry permitted in Guinea-Bissau only with the presentation of a certificate of negative COVID-19 status (tested within 72 hours of start of travel)
        • Funerals and religious gatherings are permitted as long as preventative measures (mask-wearing, hand washing, 1-meter distancing) are taken;
        • Discos may operate at 50% capacity if following preventative measures;
        • Social gatherings in open spaces are permitted with preventative measures; social gatherings in closed spaces may not exceed 50% capacity and may not exceed 100 people;
        • Large social, recreational, or cultural events that would involve a large conglomeration of people remain prohibited;
        • Restaurants may operate for in-person dining with preventative measures.

 Entry and Exit Requirements:

    • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes
    • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Yes
    • Entry and exit into Guinea-Bissau is permitted only with the presentation of a negative COVID-19 test result (done within 72 hours of start of travel).
    • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes

Movement Restrictions:

    • Is a curfew in place? No
    • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? No

Quarantine Information:

    • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? No
    • Passengers who present fever or other symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 will be subjected to a second health screening and if necessary to a COVID-19 test, after which they may leave the border post;
    • These passengers must remain confined to their destinations until they receive the results of the test carried out and additional instructions from the health authorities;
    • All passengers on a flight in which a suspected passenger of COVID-19 has been detected, will be followed at home by the health authorities for a period of 14 days.

COVID-19 Testing:

    • COVID-19 testing, performed for travel purposes, is 30,000 CFA.
    • The test can be done at: Liceu Agostinho Neto, near by the Ministry of Education.

Transportation Options:

    • Are commercial flights operating? Yes
    • Is public transportation operating? Yes
    • Public transportation restrictions are in place, such as operation at 50% capacity and a taxi passenger limit of three passengers.

Fines for Non-Compliance:  

    • N/A

Consular Operations:

    • The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens because there is no U.S. Embassy in Guinea-Bissau.

 Local Resources: