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Developers & API

The SlideShare API is available free for non-commercial use by outside developers. The current API is based upon the REST model and allows you to perform the following actions:
  • Upload, edit, and delete slideshows
  • Retrieving slideshow information by user, tag, or group
  • Retrieving groups, tags, and contacts by user
  • Search slideshows


Jan 2009 Version 2.0 of the API has just been released!
- New methods for fetching user data: get_user_groups, get_user_contacts, get_user_tags
- Revised output for existing methods to provide better consistency
- More reliable and higher quality search

While version 1.0 of the API is still available, we strongly encourage developers to adopt the new API. All bug fixes and additional feature development will take place solely in the most current version of the API.

How do I start?

1. Apply for an API key. This will be sent to you by e-mail instantly.

2. Read the API documentation for complete information about the API calls available.

3. See the resources section for useful links and implementation basics.

4. Join the Slideshare Developers Group to keep in touch with the Slideshare developer community.

5. Tell us about your cool application you built using Slideshare API and get your app featured on Slideshare

Also, be sure to check out our RSS feeds! They contain a lot of rich data (including slideshow embed codes and thumbnails) that can be useful in creating your mashup.

Use of the Slideshare API implies full acceptance of the SlideShare API Terms of Service.

API Kits
PHP Microsoft .NET (C#) Java Python MediaWiki Widget Coldfusion Ruby
Note: The API kits are not maintained by Slideshare and should be used at your own risk.
For API kit support, please join the developers mailing list or contact the maintainers directly.

We are looking for more API wrappers in cURL, Perl, ActionScript, ColdFusion, Ruby, VB.NET, J# and other languages.
Please submit your wrapper and we'll feature it on this section.