people who live in rural areas

Zoonotic Diseases in Rural America

zoonotic diseases spread between animals and people

Animals are an important part of our lives – some animals are an important source of food and fiber, while other animals offer companionship. Zoonotic diseases are infections that spread between animals and people. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Zoonotic diseases can cause illnesses that range from minor skin infections like ringworm to deadly illnesses like rabies and anthrax. People can get these diseases by touching animals or their saliva, blood, urine, feces, or other body fluids; animal bites and scratches; or contact with contaminated objects in areas where animals live and roam, such as habitats, supplies, and animal food. People can also get zoonotic diseases by drinking water or eating food contaminated by animals, such as raw fruits and vegetables that have come in contact with animal feces. Scientists estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 known infectious diseases in people are zoonotic.

People in rural areas are often in close proximity to animals, whether livestock, pets, or wildlife. Although zoonotic diseases are of concern for all Americans, they are of particular concern for farm workers, especially those working with livestock. But contact with animals is not limited to those living or working on farms. People may come in contact with livestock at fairgrounds, petting zoos, or while visiting a farm. Nearly 150 million people visit agricultural fairs in the United States each year, and outbreaks linked to petting zoos and other animal encounters are common. People in rural areas may come in contact with wildlife while hunting, hiking, or during other outdoor activities, and wildlife may also wander into yards or near homes. In addition to zoonotic diseases, people in rural areas are at risk for tickborne diseases like Lyme disease, and other diseases spread by fleas, mosquitoes, and other vectors.

Young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems are most at risk for serious illness from zoonotic diseases. Clinicians in rural communities should keep zoonotic diseases in mind when seeing patients and encourage easy ways to prevent the spread of infections, including handwashing after contact with animals, their habitats, supplies, or food.


Zoonotic Diseases

Information from CDC’s One Health Office on zoonotic diseases.

CDC Partnership on Influenza and Zoonoses Education among Youth in Agriculture

CDC works with partners to educate youth in agricultural programs like 4-H on zoonotic diseases.

Zoonoses and One Health Updates (ZOHU) Call

ZOHU Calls are monthly webinars offering free Continuing Education for a variety of topics related to zoonotic diseases and One Health.

Healthy Pets, Healthy People

CDC’s Healthy Pets, Healthy People website provides useful information on staying healthy around pets, farm animals, and wildlife.

Animal Lovers and Zoonotic Diseases: 5 Things to Know

CDC Expert Commentary on Medscape

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Animal Contact Compendium

Guidance for public health officials, veterinarians, animal exhibit operators, and others on preventing zoonotic diseases associated with animals in public settings. From the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians.

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Animal Exhibit Visitors & Managers

Information for preventing spread of disease at animal exhibits.

Page last reviewed: January 27, 2020