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State Profiles and Energy Estimates

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Notes & Sources


Energy Indicators/Economy
Demography/Population & Economy
Population U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, National and State Evaluation Estimates, Current Population Estimates.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Population

Civilian Labor Force U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Civilian Labor Force and Unemployment by State and Selected Area, not seasonally adjusted.
Gross Domestic Product U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product by State, in millions of current dollars.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Gross Domestic Product
Gross Domestic Product for the Manufacturing Sector U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product by State , in millions of current dollars.
Per Capita Personal Income U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, State Annual Personal Income and Employment, per capita personal income in current dollars.
Land in Farms U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2017 Census of Agriculture, State-level Data.
Vehicle Miles Traveled U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2018, Table VM-2, Vehicle Miles of Travel.
Average Temperature National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Centers for Environmental Information, Climatological Rankings, in degrees Fahrenheit.
Precipitation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Centers for Environmental Information, Climatological Rankings, in inches.
Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase EIA, Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Prices by Area  |  More Information.
Natural Gas
City Gate EIA, Natural Gas Prices, City Gate Price  |  More Information.
Residential EIA, Natural Gas Prices, Residential Price  |  More Information.
Average Sales Price of Coal by State and Mine Type EIA, Average Sales Price of Coal by State and Mine Type.
Delivered to Electric Power Sector EIA, Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State.
Residential EIA, Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State: Residential.

U.S. Territories: EIA Form 861 Aggregated Data
Commercial EIA, Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State: Commercial.

U.S. Territories: EIA Form 861 Aggregated Data
Industrial EIA, Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State: Industrial.

U.S. Territories: EIA Form 861 Aggregated Data
Crude Oil EIA, Crude Oil Proved Reserves, Reserves Changes, and Production  |  More Information.

Dry Natural Gas EIA, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of Dec. 31: Dry Natural Gas  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Proved Reserves of Natural Gas.
Expected Future Production of Natural Gas Plant Liquids EIA, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of Dec. 31: Natural Gas Liquids.
Recoverable Coal Reserves and Average Percentage at Producing Mines by State EIA, Recoverable Coal Reserves and Average Recovery Percentage at Producing Mines by State.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Recoverable Coal By Type.
Natural Gas Producing Wells EIA, Number of Producing Gas Wells  |  More Information.
Crude Oil Refinery Capacity (as of Jan. 1) EIA, Number and Capacity of Petroleum Refineries: Atmospheric Crude Oil Distillation Operable Capacity  |  More Information.
Electric Power Industry Net Summer Capability EIA, Net Summer Capability of Utility Scale Units by Technology and by State.
Total Electricity Installed Capacity U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Electricity Installed Capacity .
Imports & Exports
Total Imports (U.S. Territories)
Crude Oil EIA, International Energy Statistics.
Petroleum Products EIA, International Energy Statistics.
Natural Gas EIA, International Energy Statistics, Imports of Dry Natural Gas.
Coal EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Coal Imports.
Total Exports (U.S. Territories)
Crude Oil EIA, International Energy Statistics.
Petroleum Products EIA, International Energy Statistics.
Natural Gas EIA, International Energy Statistics, Exports of Dry Natural Gas.
Coal EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Coal Exports.
Supply & Distribution
Total Energy EIA, Energy Production Estimates in Trillion Btu by Source and by State.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Primary Energy Production.
Crude Oil EIA, Crude Oil Production  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Production: Crude Oil, NGPL, and Other Liquids.
Natural Gas EIA, Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals and Production: Marketed Production  |  More Information.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Gross Natural Gas Production.
Coal EIA, Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Primary Coal Production .
Net Electricity Generation
Total Net Electricity Generation EIA, Net Generation by State by Sector.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Electricity Net Generation .
Petroleum-Fired EIA, Net Generation from Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector.
Natural Gas-Fired EIA, Net Generation from Natural Gas by State by Sector.
Coal-Fired EIA, Net Generation from Coal by State by Sector.
Nuclear EIA, Net Generation from Nuclear Energy by State by Sector.
Total Renewables EIA, Net Generation from Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector and Net Generation from Other Renewables by State by Sector.
Motor Gasoline (Excludes Pipelines) EIA, Refinery, Bulk Terminal, and Natural Gas Plant Stocks by State: Motor Gasoline  |  More Information.
Distillate Fuel Oil (Excludes Pipelines) EIA, Refinery, Bulk Terminal, and Natural Gas Plant Stocks by State: Distillate Fuel Oil  |  More Information.
Natural Gas in Underground Storage EIA, Underground Natural Gas Storage by All Operators: Natural Gas in Storage  |  More Information.
Petroleum Stocks at Electric Power Producers EIA, Stocks of Coal, Petroleum Liquids and Petroleum Coke: Electric Power Sector, by State: Petroleum Liquids.
Coal Stocks at Electric Power Producers EIA, Stocks of Coal, Petroleum Liquids and Petroleum Coke: Electric Power Sector, by State: Coal.
Fueling Stations
Motor Gasoline U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, NAICS Code: 447.
Propane U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Public Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: LPG, February 10, 2020.
Electricity U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Public Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: Electric, February 10, 2020.
E85 U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Public Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: E85, February 10, 2020.
Compressed Natural Gas and Other Alternative Fuels U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Public Alternative Fueling Station Total Counts by State and Fuel Type: BD | CNG | HY | LNG, February 10, 2020.
Consumption & Expenditures
Total Energy EIA, Energy Consumption by End-Use Sector.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Primary Energy Consumption.
Total Consumption per Capita EIA, Energy Consumption by Sector and Total Consumption.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics.
Total Expenditures EIA, Total End-Use Energy Expenditure Estimates.
Total Expenditures Per Capita EIA, Energy Prices and Expenditures, Ranked by State.
by End-Use Sector
Residential EIA, Residential Sector Energy Consumption Estimates.
Commercial EIA, Commercial Sector Energy Consumption Estimates.
Industrial EIA, Industrial Sector Energy Consumption Estimates.
Transportation EIA, Transportation Sector Energy Consumption Estimates.
Residential EIA, Residential Sector Energy Expenditure Estimates.
Commercial EIA, Commercial Sector Energy Expenditure Estimates.
Industrial EIA, Industrial Sector Energy Expenditure Estimates.
Transportation EIA, Transportation Sector Energy Expenditure Estimates.
by Source
Petroleum EIA, Energy Consumption Estimates for Major Energy Sources in Physical Units.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Consumption of Petroleum Products.
Natural Gas EIA, Energy Consumption Estimates for Major Energy Sources in Physical Units.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Dry Natural Gas Consumption.
Coal EIA, Energy Consumption Estimates for Major Energy Sources in Physical Units.

U.S. Territories: EIA, International Energy Statistics, Total Coal Consumption.
Petroleum EIA, Primary Energy, Electricity, and Total Energy Expenditure Estimates.
Natural Gas EIA, Primary Energy, Electricity, and Total Energy Expenditure Estimates.
Coal EIA, Primary Energy, Electricity, and Total Energy Expenditure Estimates.
Consumption: for Electricity Generation
Petroleum EIA, Consumption of Petroleum Liquids for Electricity Generation by State by Sector.
Natural Gas EIA, Consumption of Natural Gas for Electricity Generation by State by Sector.
Coal EIA, Consumption of Coal for Electricity Generation by State by Sector.
Consumption: for Home Heating (share of households)
Natural Gas, Fuel Oil, Electricity, Propane, Other/None U.S. Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey, House Heating Fuel, 1-Year Estimates.
Renewable Energy Capacity
Total Renewable Energy Electricity Generating Capacity EIA, Electric Power Industry Net Summer Capacity.
Ethanol Plant Nameplate Capacity EIA, U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity, data as of January 1.
Renewable Energy Production
Utility-Scale Hydroelectric Electricity Generation EIA, Net Generation from Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector.
Utility-Scale Solar, Wind, and Geothermal Electricity Generation EIA, Electricity Data Browser.
Utility-Scale Biomass Electricity Generation EIA, Net Generation from Biomass by State by Sector.
Small-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Generation EIA, Net Generation from Solar Photovoltaics by State by Sector.
Ethanol Production EIA, Energy Production Estimates in Physical Units.
Renewable Energy Consumption
Renewable Energy Consumption as a Share of State Total EIA, Primary Energy Consumption Estimates.
Ethanol Consumption EIA, Fuel Ethanol Consumption Estimates.
Total Emissions
Carbon Dioxide EIA, Environment, State CO2 Emissions.
Electric Power Industry Emissions
Carbon Dioxide EIA, Emissions from Energy Consumption at Power Plants and Combined-Heat-and-Power-Plants: CO2.
Sulfur Dioxide EIA, Emissions from Energy Consumption at Power Plants and Combined-Heat-and-Power-Plants: SO2.
Nitrogen Oxide EIA, Emissions from Energy Consumption at Power Plants and Combined-Heat-and-Power-Plants: NOX.
CO2 Emissions by Source (U.S. Territories)
Total Fossil Fuels EIA, Total Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy.
Petroleum EIA, International Energy Statistics, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Petroleum.
Natural Gas EIA, International Energy Statistics, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption and Flaring of Natural Gas.
Coal EIA, International Energy Statistics, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Coal.