


In some states, essential workers already have access to vaccines to help protect them against COVID-19. These vaccines will be available to essential workers across the nation soon. CDC has provided a toolkit to help employers educate their essential workers about this important new prevention tool.


This toolkit is designed for employers of essential workers. Essential workers perform duties across critical infrastructure sectors and maintain the services and functions that U.S. residents depend on daily. Examples of the many types of essential workers include police officers, firefighters, and people working in education, child care centers, and grocery stores.


This toolkit will help your organization educate employees about COVID-19 vaccines, raise awareness about the benefits of vaccination, and address common questions and concerns.




  • Adapt the key messages to the language, tone, and format that will resonate with your organization. You know what works for your employees.
  • Use these key messages to customize the template letter and send or email it to your employees to introduce your COVID-19 vaccine educational activities.
  • 打印海报和常见问题解答的副本,并将其用作宣传手册。
  • Organize a COVID-19 vaccine presentation for your employees and promote it via digital and employee communication channels. If you are able, organize a virtual presentation. If not, organize an in-person presentation following COVID-19 safety precautions. Ask if your local health department can provide a speaker if you do not have a health educator on staff. Distribute copies of the FAQs.
  • Hang posters in highly visible places in your offices, buildings, and other employee locations.
  • Continue to educate your workforce via articles, blog posts, and social media posts.
  • Invite your employees to wear stickers once they have been vaccinated and post vaccination selfies on social media.

If you are not already working with your local health department, consider reaching out for assistance. The health department’s immunization program can help coordinate vaccination clinics, provide speakers for presentations, and offer other types of expertise.


  • 可以将组织的徽标贴在材料上带有“此处粘贴徽标”的方框处,但应在这些材料上保留CDC网址(www.cdc.gov)。

