
Canada has continued to take advantage of its vast natural resources and has benefited from the shale revolution alongside rising oil sands production and investment in the energy sector. The medium-term outlook for gas and oil production and exports, however, is more challenging.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2015

  • Foster energy market integration

    Facilitate energy market integration by taking leadership at federal level to increase cooperation across Canada and within NAFTA on energy data, trade of energy commodities, safety and reliability, and environmental integrity of the transport sector.

  • Take action to implement climate targets

    To strengthen the country’s position as a responsible energy supplier and user, foster greater provincial collaboration on energy and climate matters. Devise federal mechanisms for provincial and territorial governments’ co-operation to collectively meet climate targets through energy efficiency improvements, interconnections and the development of renewable energy and other low-carbon energy technologies.

  • Reduce uncertainty for investors and project developers

    Set a clear timeline for the implementation of federal GHG regulations in the oil and gas sectors and energy-intensive industries. Share knowledge, best practices and experience on unconventional gas and oil regulations with international partners.

  • Monitor the implementation of the Responsible Resource Development Plan

    Monitor the RRD plan and consider additional measures to facilitate investment in future energy projects, including further advancing monitoring, compliance with and enforcement of high standards of environmental performance and safety, public consultation and transparency of information.

  • Strengthen collaboration with international partners to broaden exports markets

    Collaborate further with partners such as the United States, China and India, with the objective of ensuring market access and the diversification of export markets for Canadian products, technologies and services.

  • Strengthen Canadian leadership in clean energy technologies and innovation

    Through stable, higher and longer-term federal and provincial funding, support the sector and work towards a dedicated energy RD&D strategy which builds on close co-operation of RD&D activities with industry and Canadian provinces and territories.

