
As one of the world’s largest energy exporters, Norway advances the energy security of consuming countries. At the same time, as a global advocate for climate change mitigation, Norway is committed to environmental sustainability and climate policy.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2017

  • Stimulate increases in oil and gas production

    Stimulate further oil and gas production from safe and environmentally sustainable operations and consider measures to prepare for a future with lower oil and gas revenues.

  • Strengthen integration within the Nordic electricity market

    Support further harmonisation with the Nordic electricity market and facilitate an increase in cross-border connections and demand-side measures to this end. Take measures to encourage market-based investments in low-carbon power generation.

  • Develop a strategy to meet climate targets

    When defining the 2050 target of becoming a low-emission society, clarify the expected role of international carbon credits, as such credits are set to decline in global efforts to reduce emissions by 2050.

