18F partners with agencies to improve the user experience of government services by helping them build and buy technology.

We engaged with 18F, and it was a game-changer for us. They came in and helped the IT team and business owners get involved in the agile development process. It changed our whole methodology. - Alec Palmer, FEC’s Chief Information Officer

We support your mission

As an office within the General Services Administration, we know how to work with government. Federal, state, and local governments can partner with 18F to deliver projects that fulfill their mission, stay within budget, and use leading technology practices.

Some agencies we’ve worked with

    • /assets/img/logos/agencies/USDA.svg logo Department of Agriculture
    • /assets/img/logos/agencies/usmc.png logo U.S. Marine Corps
    • /assets/img/logos/agencies/OMB.svg logo Office of Management and Budget
    • /assets/img/logos/agencies/centers-for-medicare-and-medicaid.png logo Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services
    • /assets/img/logos/agencies/usaf.png logo U.S. Air Force
    • /assets/img/logos/agencies/nga.png logo National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

See more agency partners

What 18F can do

  • Modernize software development processes while introducing good agile and human-centered design practices to your agency

  • Improve public-facing services like websites or applications

  • Digitize and streamline internal systems to save time and increase accuracy

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