
Portugal is a world leader at integrating generation from wind and solar PV and has embraced targets of 80% renewable electricity by 2030 and a carbon neutral economy by 2050. Better interconnection with Europe and clear policy measure supporting effective markets are needed to achieve these ambitious targets.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2016

  • Regularly monitor and adjust energy policy

    Further implement measures to ensure sufficient flexibility in energy policy, to deal with uncertainty in demand growth and wider policy development at EU level. This process should accommodate regular independent reviews and the development of a monitoring tool to assess the implementation of energy policy and ensure relevance and cost-effectiveness.

  • Identify cost-saving measures

    Ensure implementation of all measures to reduce the tariff deficit and pursue efforts to identify further potential cost-saving measures in the energy sector. In this regard, a special focus should be put on the decision to extend regulated tariffs to 2017.

  • Foster interconnections with neighbouring countries

    Alongside its regional partner Spain and the European Commission, pursue the development of key transmission infrastructure, including interconnections with neighbouring countries, notably France, to foster electricity and gas markets integration, facilitate renewable energy integration and enhance security of supply.

