Smart grids

Smart grid investments still represent a small share of all investment in network infrastructure and despite the initial enthusiastic response to smart grids, many signs now point to a slowdown.

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Key findings

Investment in smart grids by technology area, 2014-2019


Grids became further decentralised and digitalised in 2019 despite falling investment

Despite a 7% year-on-year reduction in overall expenditures, grids became further decentralised and digitalised in 2019. Utilities around the world deployed more sophisticated technologies, including artificial intelligence and digital twinning. US regulators appear to be advancing towards performance-based regulation, and the European Commission launched the Clean Energy Package, which includes a number of measures to help grid operators deploy smarter technology. Nevertheless, more efforts are required to implement regulations and policy frameworks that reward the benefits of digitalising electricity networks.
Our work on Smart grids

The ISGAN TCP is a strategic platform to support high-level government attention and action for the accelerated development and deployment of smarter, cleaner electricity grids around the world. Operating as both an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial, and as a TCP, the ISGAN TCP provides an important channel for communication of experience, trends, lessons learned, and visions in support of clean energy objectives as well as new flexible and resilient solutions for smart grids.