
Mexico’s population is expected to grow to more than 150 million towards 2050 from 125 million today. This, together with improvements in productivity, will drive economic growth. As a result, energy demand is set to increase significantly.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2017

  • Finalise implementation of energy reforms

    While closely following the principles of transparency and regulatory certainty and incorporating lessons learned and international best practices, the government should foster competition across the entire sector, actively counter the incentives of incumbents to use their market power and ensure sufficient resources for the regulators.

  • Ensure energy security while shifting towards open energy markets

    Define, in the transition to open energy markets, clear roles and responsibilities for the public and private entities involved in order to maintain and improve the ability to collect energy data and to plan for and react to possible energy supply emergencies.

  • Incorporate climate considerations into urban plans

    Work ambitiously to limit energy-related greenhouse gas emissions and, as the country’s population, cities and economy are projected to grow strongly, incorporate energy and climate considerations into long-term urban development and transport plans to limit growth in energy demand.

