
Switzerland has the lowest carbon intensity among IEA countries, owing to a carbon free electricity sector dominated by nuclear and hydro generation. However, following the 2017 decision of the Swiss people to gradually phase out nuclear power, Switzerland’s energy sector is undergoing a considerable transition.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2018

  • Define relevant action plans to achieve the Energy Strategy 2050

    Develop further a framework linking climate and energy goals to 2050, outlining Switzerland’s pathways to achieving the Energy Strategy 2050.

  • Complete revision of Electricity and Gas Supply Laws

    Progress in revising the Electricity and Gas Supply Laws to allow Swiss energy markets to open up to meet the country’s future energy needs and climate targets.

  • Ensure CO2 Law implementation

    Ensure timely entry into force of the revised CO2 Law to support post-2020 climate policy and help Switzerland achieve its binding 2030 climate and indicative 2035 energy goals.

  • Develop a long-term strategy for the transportation sector

    Develop a long-term strategy to 2050 that contributes to domestic decarbonisation pathways for providing stronger market signals

  • Continue efforts to integrate Swiss energy markets with the European Union

    Switzerland’s energy markets are closely interconnected with European markets, even though the country is not a member of the European Union. Closer integration of the Swiss electricity and gas markets with the European Union is in the interest of both parties and entails social welfare gains.

