United States

The energy policy landscape of the United States has fundamentally changed over the past decade. In many aspects there have been significant improvements, and the country is in a strong position to deliver a reliable, affordable and environmentally sustainable energy system.

United States

Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2019

  • Set effective and streamlined regulations

    To enable the United States to remain a global leader in emissions reduction and clean technologies, the regulatory environment will need to keep pace with global decarbonisation trends.

  • Foster the system integration of variable renewable energy

    Pursue market regulations that leverage geographic diversity of resources, availability of transmission capacity, and flexible resources such as energy storage (including batteries, hydropower, pumped hydro and hydrogen) and demand response.

  • Address midstream bottlenecks

    Evaluate the allocation of decision-making authority for the permitting and siting of natural gas pipeline projects in order to identify possible ways to shorten lead times and reduce uncertainty for investors.

  • Support energy RD&D efforts

    Provide adequate support to international collaboration efforts of US national laboratories and DOE RD&D programmes to maintain global leadership on energy technology innovation.

  • Bolster energy system resilience

    As threats to energy systems grow, conduct regular and comprehensive assessments of risks and vulnerabilities to foster preparedness, and maintain reliability and resilience in the face of new challenges.

