
Japan has long been a major consumer and importer of energy and a recognised leader in energy technology development. Efforts to overcome the fallout from the 2011 earthquake and the subsequent Fukushima nuclear accident have dominated energy policy in recent years.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2016

  • Strive towards a diversified energy mix

    This energy mix should include renewable and nuclear energy, and efficient thermal power generation, taking into account safety, energy security, economic efficiency and environmental protection.

  • Take all necessary measures to meet climate objectives

    Facilitate increases in low-carbon sources of primary energy and electricity supply while addressing safety, cost and public acceptance. Develop further fiscal incentives and stricter requirements for energy efficiency and promote Japan’s proven potential for innovation in critical low-carbon technologies.

  • Implement electricity and gas market reforms

    As scheduled, ensure that the regulator and competition authorities are adequately resourced. Specifically for electricity, facilitate and encourage building infrastructure and market to locate generation where it is most valuable to the system.

  • Foster renewable energy deployment

    Further control burden on consumer tariffs from support costs, align support towards global benchmarks to reflect regularly advances in technology. Facilitate the deployment of a technologically and geographically balanced portfolio and introduce neutral institutional arrangements to accelerate grid integration.