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News From NIAID’s HIV Clinical Trials Networks

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

NIAID announced the clinical investigators and institutions that will lead our four HIV clinical trials networks over the next seven years to conduct the innovative clinical research needed to accelerate progress against the HIV epidemic.

HIV Antibody Testing Kit

Checking on FY 2020 Application and Award Totals

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

In fiscal year (FY) 2020, NIAID awarded more R01 and R21 grants than ever before, with success rates for R01 and R21 applications notably higher than in recent years.

Remember NIAID-Specific Rules for Genomic Data Sharing

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

If you plan an NIAID-funded research project that will generate large-scale human or nonhuman genomic data, follow our Genomic Data Sharing guidance on data submission and release, sample data sharing plans, informed consent, institutional certification, and more.

Understand Just-in-Time Requests and When To Respond

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

When you applied, the instructions told you to leave some time-sensitive information out of your application. Instead, you and your business official send the last pieces of information before award using the just-in-time process.

NIH and NIAID Budget Developments Ongoing This Week

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

A new continuing resolution gives NIH and other parts of the federal government budget authority to continue operating through December 18, 2020.

Watch Virtual December ACD Meeting for Policy Updates

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

NIH's Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) is charged with recommending program development, resource allocation, NIH administrative regulation and policy, and other specific or general aspects of NIH policy.

Revision to Code of Federal Regulations Prompts New Rule for Grantees

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

Federal award recipients are prohibited from using government funds to directly procure or enter, extend, or renew contracts with entities that use certain telecommunications equipment or services.

Find International Clinical Research Regulations on ClinRegs Website

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

The resource is designed to increase awareness and understanding of clinical research regulatory and ethics requirements while also saving users time and effort when planning and implementing international clinical research.

NIH Joins NSF for Initiative Supporting Smart Health Research

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

Apply to develop transformative and translational advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, and behavioral and cognitive research to address pressing questions in the biomedical and public health communities.

Commercialize Your Small Business Products With TABA

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

Small business applicants and grantees can leverage the new Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) program to boost product development and commercialization efforts.

NOSI Encourages Collaboration Among Synthetic Biologists and Infectious Disease Specialists

Funding News Edition: December 16, 2020

This notice of special interest (NOSI) encourages collaboration to spur new developments in biomedical technologies and synthetic biology approaches.

scientist using a calculator

Writing a Winning Application—Nail Your Budget

Funding News Edition: December 02, 2020

Peer reviewers will use your budget request to gauge your understanding of how much your project will cost. Be realistic, request only what is necessary and reasonable, and justify everything, especially the unusual and "big ticket" items.

Focus on Reissued Fellowship Funding Opportunity Announcements

Funding News Edition: December 02, 2020

If you’re a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher, consider applying for an individual fellowship award to support your research training.

Prepare To Follow the Final NIH Policy on Sharing and Managing Data

Funding News Edition: December 02, 2020

Beginning in January 2023, applicants will be required to describe how they plan to manage scientific data generated by research projects and which of these scientific data and accompanying metadata will be shared.

Answer Request for Community Feedback To Inform COVID-19 Strategic Plan

Funding News Edition: December 02, 2020

A request for information from NIH seeks input from the general public and stakeholders in the scientific research, advocacy, and clinical practice communities to inform NIH’s research interests around SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

NIH Continues To Monitor Pandemic Impact on Grantee Community

Funding News Edition: December 02, 2020

Keep track of resources and flexibilities available to researchers. For example, grant applicants should not include contingency plans outlining responses to potential limitations brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Identify Research Project Roles With Precision

Funding News Edition: December 02, 2020

When you describe the roles your colleagues will play in support of your planned research, the terminology you use might affect your eligibility for a funding opportunity announcement, as well as the information required in the grant application.

John J. McGowan, Ph.D.

NIAID Funding News—The Origin Story

Funding News Edition: November 18, 2020

Intelligence, creativity, and dedication are highly valued attributes among investigators. Less celebrated, but equally critical to a successful career in biomedical research, is good grantsmanship. We interviewed Dr. John J. McGowan, NIAID’s longtime deputy director for science management, about NIAID's efforts to empower applicants by providing online resources.

Funding for Program Projects To Advance Pan-Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates

Funding News Edition: November 18, 2020

NIAID intends to fund collaborative, multidisciplinary program project awards to discover, design, and develop pan-coronavirus vaccine candidates capable of providing broad protective immunity to multiple coronavirus strains.

Seeking Rapid Diagnostic Technologies for HIV Self-Testing

Funding News Edition: November 18, 2020

Simple, inexpensive, rapid self-testing assays to directly detect HIV could make it easier for people to monitor themselves for acute or early HIV infection and allow people to monitor their viral suppression status during therapy.

Explore New Technologies To Deliver In Vivo Gene Therapeutics for HIV Cure

Funding News Edition: November 18, 2020

Through a new initiative, NIAID seeks applications proposing research developing and evaluating novel targeting technologies to deliver anti-HIV gene therapies to specific cells in vivo.

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