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SERA Email 12.23.02

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Sectoral Emissions Reduction Agreements
Email 12.23.02

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SERA Email 12.23.02

  1. 1. ~Cobb, Al' M12/23/2002 01:2327 P Record Type;' Record T: Natalie Towairrnak)CEO/EOP 0EOP_____ SqbiectL 8usiness Challenqo - otnCme iies Natahie- Foljlowing up my ernafl a a tew' minutes~ago.. Al ---ionalMessage~---- r From: Andy O'Hare, rrailtodl Sei'2 MondA y, Debembe 23, 2002 1:2P Th: Cobb, Al subject: Cement Industry finvitees AL, It was a pleasure speaking to you this afternoon, Attached is the lIsMt of cement industry lnviftres.0 ~Pleas call with any.questions. :Happy Hol'idaysI Regardsi Andy O'Hare Andrew T, O'Hare Vice President Portland Cement, Association
  2. 2. 1130 Connecticut Avenue, .W~., Suite 12250 Washington~, DO.C,,20036 Ph - I-i attt~htm IDWhite House Invitees~doc,
  3. 3. fwJnuiay2~ vn ,Portland.Cement A~socitcf lovit Pau A. house President & Chidi Exceutive Officer Hllcm (Us) Inc.~ P~O. Box 122 bund~e-M1 48013 Tel 3 D~ave A Noeperey President R~C CeMenit COMPany, 1nc~ .1(.)BO dhead IRoad Suitt 230 BethI4h~ehun PA M1747-19S989 TeL e-ma~ Dani & M. Hammintofl Lebigb Cement CompanY 7660 1priaI Wayj Dick Crekightoa Porthmand Cementm Assocatiob 11,30 connecticot Avenue, .NIW. Suite 1250 W ,1a.hgton. DC 2003 Tel, Atndrew T. O' Hare. Vice, Presi dent Regulatoy Affirs Portland C'ement Association 1130 Connectici~t Avene N S u ite. 1250 wah 'hntn.D 036 11x c-aJUE~I
  4. 4. "obb, Al' Record Type: Record To" Natalie Towcimalc/CEO/EOP@EOP cc, 'Marcois. Badt f lDiobriansky. Lanies Sujc:Busines Cha engeZ1T7M IW -frs batch Natalie Following Up my earlier ernati .. Al From:' Laery Kavanagh Sent~Monday, December 23,00 2:3P To: Cobb, A. ~C:, Jim~Schultz Subject: steel names Al- Haeeare two names we Cen. gie nMC, assuming we wI p Gioat, i or te Jauary evnt We will have other names up to our allsofttedfiveon before January 3. Thanks. Larry Kavanagh Daniel H. DiM=c Vice Chairmanprrsid atand Chief`Executive Officer Nucor Corporation 2100 Rexford Road Charlotte, NC 28211 EM- Andrew C. Sharkeyv President end CEO American Iron and Steel Institute 11 40 Connecticut Ave. Ste 7055 Washingto, DC~, 20038
