National Ocean Service Social Media

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Facebook is a social networking website where users can connect and interact with other people. We typically post something new on our wall every workday to keep you up-to-date with NOS news and information.


NOS produces three podcasts: Making Waves, Diving Deeper, and Ocean Shorts.

Making Waves is a monthly audio/video podcast reporting on the latest National Ocean Service news and information. You can subscribe to this podcast via a RSS Feed or through iTunes.

Diving Deeper is a monthly audio podcast featuring in-depth talks with NOS scientists on a variety of ocean topics. You can subscribe to this podcast via a RSS Feed or through iTunes.

Ocean Shorts is a monthly audio podcast featuring short "best of" clips from Making Waves and Diving Deeper. You can subscribe to this podcast via a RSS Feed or through iTunes.


YouTube is a video sharing service. The videos we share on YouTube are copies of those that appear in the video gallery on the NOS website.


Flickr is a photo sharing service. The images that we share on Flickr are copies of those that appear in the image gallery on the NOS website.


Instagram is a mobile photo sharing service. The images that we share on Flickr are copies of those that appear in the image gallery on the NOS website.


Twitter is a microblogging service to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of short, frequent posts. We typically tweet once each business day to keep you abreast of what's new in the National Ocean Service.


Pinterest is a content sharing service that allows members to "pin" images, videos, and other objects to their 'pinboard.' The service also includes standard social networking features to promote sharing among users. We typically add items to Pinterest once a week to keep you abreast of what's new in the National Ocean Service.

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Social Media integrates technology, social interaction, and content creation, using the "wisdom of crowds" to collaboratively connect online information. Through social media, people or groups can create, organize, edit, comment on, combine, and share content.

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