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For more information about National Park Service air resources, please visit

Photo of sunset at Acadia NP, Maine Photo of cyclists at an overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina Scenic vista in Canyonlands NP, Utah Webcam image of sunrise in Denali NP, Alaska Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California Webcam image of fall colors in Great Smoky Mountains NP from Purchase Knob, North Carolina A backpacker looks out into Death Valley in Grand Teton NP, Wyoming Mount Rainier peeks out of the clouds at Mount Rainier NP, Washington Stream photo from Rocky Mountain NP, ColoradoWildfire smoke rises above Turtleback Dome in Yosemite NP, California

Seuss Wisdom

UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~ The Lorax

What can we do about the air?

Protecting air quality, and resources sensitive to air quality, in the National Park System is a complex task that includes: active research and monitoring about the amount and effects of pollution in NPS areas; advocacy for pollution controls when they are likely to affect NPS areas; and education about the importance of clean healthy air to the NPS.

Learn more about:

Other NPS Air Resources

Air Webcams

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Live photos and air quality information from 18 national parks

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Air Quality In Parks

Air Quality in Parks, Photo of Shenandoah NP, Virginia

Find out how air quality is affecting a park near you

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FLAG Report

Image of the FLAG 2010 report cover

Guidance for assessing impacts of air pollution on protected areas

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Photo of passive deposition monitoring at Klondike Gold Rush NHP, Alaska

Monitoring data are essential to learning about NPS air quality

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Last Updated: August 31, 2015