Federal Government-Wide Performance Data

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The Federal government is the largest energy consumer in the nation, managing more than 350,000 buildings and 600,000 vehicles. By increasing the efficiency of Federal operations, Federal agencies cut waste, save taxpayer dollars, reduce impacts on the environment, and promote clean air, land, and water.

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2019, the Federal government:

  • Reduced energy intensity (Btu per gross square foot) in Federal buildings by 0.3% since FY 2018;
  • Reduced potable water intensity (gallons per gross square foot) by 0.4% since FY 2018;
  • Invested $1.2 Billion to drive energy and water savings in Federal facilities, leveraging over $983 million in private sector investments (performance contracts) and $223 million in direct investments;
  • Used renewable energy to power 8.6% of its facility electric energy needs; and
  • Has 2,525 sustainable buildings in its portfolio comprising more than 207 million square feet of sustainable building space, an increase of 11 million square feet since FY 2018.

Government-Wide Performance Data

Click the thumbnails below to jump to interactive graphs showing specific government-wide progress. Hover over the graph elements to view more information and click on the icons under each graph to share, download, or enlarge. Click on the "+ top 3 performers" icon to find the agencies making the most individual progress in FY 2019 and hyperlinks to agency data.

Facility Energy Use

+ Top 3 Performers for FY19

Top 3 Performing Agencies - Reduction in Energy Intensity from FY18 (by percentage)

  1. Office of Personnel Management: 25.4% reduction
  2. Department of Commerce: 6.9% reduction
  3. Department of the Treasury: 5.7% reduction

Source: Agency facility energy use is submitted to DOE-FEMP through Annual Energy and Water Use Reports. Details and background data can be found on FEMP's Comprehensive Annual Energy Data and Sustainability Performance data site.

Water Use

+ Top 3 Performers for FY19

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Reduction in Water Intensity from FY18 (by percentage)

  1. Department of Housing and Urban Development: 21.5% reduction
  2. Environmental Protection Agency: 8.9% reduction
  3. U.S. Postal Service: 8.4% reduction

Source: Agency facility water use is submitted to DOE-FEMP through Annual Energy Data Reports. Details and background data can be found on FEMP's Comprehensive Annual Energy Data and Sustainability Performance data site.

Renewable Electricity

+ Top 3 Performers for FY19

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Total Renewable Electricity Use in FY19 (as a Percentage of Total Electricity Use)

  1. Department of State: 35.9%
  2. Department of Commerce: 25.5%
  3. National Archives and Records Administration: 22.6%

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Total Renewable Electricity Produced on Federal or Indian Land in FY19 (by MWh)

  1. Department of Defense: 549,382 MWh
  2. Department of Energy: 246,308 MWh
  3. Department of Veterans Affairs: 92,961 MWh

Source: Agency renewable electric energy consumption is submitted to DOE-FEMP through Annual Energy Data Reports. Details and background data can be found on FEMP's Comprehensive Annual Energy Data and Sustainability Performance data site.

Facility Efficiency Investments

Source: Agency facility efficiency investments are submitted to DOE-FEMP through Annual Energy Data Reports. Details and background data can be found on FEMP's Comprehensive Annual Energy Data and Sustainability Performance data site.

High Performance Sustainable Buildings

+ Top 3 Performers for FY19

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Sustainable Buildings Progress in FY19 (by Percentage of GSF)

  1. National Archives and Records Administration: 47.1%
  2. Department of Agriculture: 46.7%
  3. Department of Veterans Affairs: 43.8%

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Addition of New Sustainable Building Square Footage in FY19 (by GSF)

  1. General Services Administration: 7,066,847 sq.ft. added
  2. Department of Defense: 2,095,016 sq.ft. added
  3. Tennessee Valley Authority: 1,315,644 sq.ft. added

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Total Sustainable Building Square Footage as of FY19 (by GSF)

  1. General Services Administration: 83 million sustainable square feet
  2. Department of Veterans Affairs: 59 million sustainable square feet
  3. Department of Defense: 22 million sustainable square feet

Source: Agency sustainable building inventory is reported through GSA's Federal Real Property Profile Management System. Details and background data can be found in the Federal Real Property Public Data Set (FRPP)

Fleet Petroleum and Alternative Fuel

+ Top 3 Performers for FY19

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Reduction in Petroleum Use from FY18 (by percentage)

  1. Office of Personnel Management: 84.2% reduction
  2. Smithsonian Institution: 75.2% reduction
  3. Department of the Treasury: 21.2% reduction

Top 3 Performing Agencies – Increase in Alternative Fuel Use from FY18 (by percentage)

  1. Department of Justice: 68.7% increase
  2. Department of the Treasury: 35.1% increase
  3. Department of Defense: 26.9% increase

Source: Agency fleet petroleum and alternative fuel use reported to DOE-FEMP. Details and background data can be found on the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Source: Agency greenhouse gas emission are calculated from the agency submitted Annual Energy Data Reports. Details and background data can be found on FEMP's Comprehensive Annual Energy Data and Sustainability Performance data site.

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