COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death by Age

COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death by Age
Updated Aug. 18, 2020

Rate ratios compared to 18-29 year olds

Rate ratios compared to 18-29 year olds
Hospitalization1 Death2
0-4 years 4x lower 9x lower
5-17 years 9x lower 16x lower
18-29 years Comparison Group Comparison Group
30-39 years 2x higher 4x higher
40-49 years 3x higher 10x higher
50-64 years 4x higher 30x higher
65-74 years 5x higher 90x higher
75-84 years 8x higher 220x higher
85+ years 13x higher 630x higher

Factors that increase community spread and individual risk

image of people gathered around a table
Crowded Situations
image of two people dancing
Close/physical contact
image of two people in a small house
Enclosed space
image of clock
Duration of exposure

How to slow the spread of COVID–19

image of head wearing a face mask
Wear a mask
image of two people separated by 6 foot measurement
Stay at least 6 ft apart
image of hand under water faucet
Wash your hands
image of spray bottle
Clean and disinfect

1 Data source: COVID-NET (, accessed 08/06/20). Numbers are unadjusted rate ratios.

2 Data source: NCHS Provisional Death Counts (, accessed 08/06/20). Numbers are unadjusted rate ratios.

COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death by Age

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