Healthy Is Strong

Strong men put their health first. Simple changes, such as taking medication as prescribed, eating healthy, getting regular exercise, and quitting smoking, can make a big difference in improving your health. Be strong! Talk to your health care professionals, learn about heart health and share what you know with your friends, neighbors and loved ones.


Protect your future—and the ones you love—by starting or continuing a conversation with your health care professional about heart disease using the tools below.

How to Talk to Your Health Care Provider [PDF-179K]

Get tips for speaking with a health care professional about managing blood pressure and cholesterol.

My Health Resume [PDF-1.5M]

Keep track of all your important health information to share with your health care professional.

My Personal Health Progress [PDF-276K]

Use this guide to help set realistic healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle goals.

Myth or Fact: The Truth About Heart Medications [PDF-1M]

This tip sheet explains the most common concerns about blood pressure and cholesterol medications.

Get more fact sheets and tools for heart disease and stroke prevention.


Ask your friends and family to make healthy changes with you. Challenge them to quit smoking, exercise more, and prepare meals with healthier ingredients. Talk about the importance of heart health when you see them at church, family reunions, or community events. Turn your next get-together into a healthy get-together!

Download the guide [PDF-3.95M]


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