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Office of International Affairs


US-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation

MISSION: To stimulate, promote, and support industrial Research and Development of mutual benefit to the United States and Israel.

BIRD supports US-Israel company partnerships dedicated to developing and commercializing non-defense-related innovative products or processes. The conditional grants are paid directly to the participating companies. BIRD funds 50 percent of the companies' expenses in developing a product to the stage of commercial readiness. BIRD funding is provided in the form of a conditional grant, which does not entitle BIRD to equity or intellectual property rights. If the project is a commercial success, the Foundation receives repayments -a pretax expense to the grantee- up to a maximum of 150 percent of the conditional grant.

Financial support for BIRD is derived from two sources: interest earned on the $110 million endowment granted in equal parts by the United States and Israeli governments, and repayment income from companies participating in successful BIRD-funded projects.

For more information, please contact Claire Saundry or the US-Israel BIRD Foundation Homepage.

Liaison for International Policy and Inquiries

  • Disseminate information to NIST staff on U.S. foreign policy objectives, and on NIST and U.S. Government relationships with other countries.

  • Disseminate information on funding opportunities for international activities.

  • Serve as liaison to foreign embassies and international offices at other government agencies.

  • Coordinate with the Departments of State and Commerce on international science and technology programs.

  • Coordinate NIST participation in U.S. Government bilateral science and technology agreements.

  • Interpret foreign policy guidelines set by Departments of State and Commerce.

  • Assist in implementing NIST participation in U.S. Government initiatives that support foreign policy objectives such as the U.S.-Egypt, U.S.-South Africa and U.S.-Russia Economic Commissions and the Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Former Soviet Union (FSU).

Foreign Visitor Program

OIA serves as the primary point of contact for all visits of foreign nationals to NIST.  OIA coordinates short term visits of foreign visitors. OIA does not routinely provide scheduled tours for international visitors. However, as requested, specific technical meetings may be coordinated according to the interests of the visitor(s). A two week advance notice is requested.

For further information regarding the NIST Foreign Visitor Program, please contact Ms. Joy Foster.

Advice on International Policy

  • Assist NIST travelers visiting foreign countries;

  • Prepare travel cables to notify U.S. Embassies for NIST travelers to Taiwan, Japan, China, and Former Soviet Union countries; and

  • Provide information on travel advisories.


Created July 17, 2009, Updated November 15, 2019