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NIST Academic Affairs Office

4 teachers stand around a desk working on a project.
Credit: NIST
Participants in the NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers learn from NIST researchers through lectures, lab visits, and hands-on activities they can recreate in their own classrooms.
The Academic Affairs (AA) portion of the International and Academic Affairs Office (IAAO) has the responsibility of being the focal point for dispersing information regarding NIST's formal academic programs, its cooperative education activities and education outreach efforts. IAAO/AA acts as the liaison for any programmatic questions regarding NIST academic activities.

IAAO/AA's mission in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is to develop a diverse, world-class pool of scientists and engineers to support NIST's mission in measurement science and standards research, and to support the development of a general population that understands and appreciates measurement science and standards. Our priorities are to promote STEM education for the next generation of scientist and engineers in the U.S., using NIST's unique expertise in measurement science and engineering by:

  • Promoting STEM education for developing a general population that appreciates and understands measurement science and standards;
  • Promoting programs that will support NIST's future workforce needs; and
  • Supporting Administration and Department mandates for STEM education program development and engagement by USG Technical agencies.

Among IAAO/AA's direct responsibilities are the NIST Postdoctoral Research Associateships program, the NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers, the Graduate Student Measurement Science and Engineering (GMSE) Fellowship Program, and the administrative support for the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program

IAAO/AA also represents DoC/NIST on several of the Inter-Agency Working Groups for the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Committee on STEM Education, on the Interagency Committee on Equal Opportunities Science and Engineering (CEOSE). We also gather information regarding NIST-wide education programs and outreach activities and disseminate information regarding these activities to Department of Commerce, OMB, GAO, OSTP and other government inquiries. We also respond to outside inquiries from K-12 schools, universities and associations with education emphases on requests for NIST support and potential collaborations. The Guide to NIST's STEM Education Activities gives a list of STEM activities across NIST.

Learn about some past NIST NRC postdocs


  • NIST Academic Affairs Office
    100 Bureau Drive
    Mail Stop 1090
    Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1090
Created August 12, 2014, Updated November 15, 2019