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Renewing Democracy in 2021

We believe the whole OGP community can come together to make 2021 a landmark year for open government and democracy, and to turn the tide.

See what's in store.
OGP Leaders Network Cover

Five Government Innovations Recognized for their Work to Open up Government

Five open government reforms from Latvia, Mexico, New Zealand, the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina and the state of Kaduna, Nigeria have been recognized ...

Bogota, Colombia (OGP Local)

56 Local Jurisdictions Join Global Partnership to Promote Open Government

OGP welcomes 56 new local jurisdictions composed of 64 local governments and civil society organizations to join OGP Local at a critical time for open government.


Open Response + Open Recovery

Our community’s fundamental values of accountability, transparency, inclusivity, and responsiveness are vital as we move through COVID-19 response to recovery. Find resources, events and examples from OGP and partners.

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A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus

Check out this guide for a one-stop shop of the best current resources on how open government projects and approaches can support tackling the pandemic.


Open Response + Open Recovery

OGP Process

In OGP, governments work with civil society to create action plans with concrete reforms. This model helps ensure citizens play a role in shaping and overseeing government.

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Policy Areas

OGP members address issues, such as justice, gender, health, education, digital governance, the right to information, civic space, natural resources, corruption and more.



Seventy-nine countries and a growing number of local governments—representing more than two billion people—and thousands of civil society organizations are members of OGP.

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Learn More About OGP

Access OGP documents to find information on our approach to open government and our organization.

Meet the OGP team, including our staff and steering committee members, board of directors and ambassadors and envoys.

Connect to OGP news, reports, events and more.

Learn about how OGP is supported by members governments, philanthropic foundations, global development agencies and partners.

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