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Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance

DOT COVID-19 Drug and Alcohol Testing Guidance...learn more


The Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance advises the Secretary on national and international drug testing and control issues and is the principal advisor to the Secretary on rules related to the drug and alcohol testing of safety-sensitive transportation employees in aviation, trucking, railroads, mass transit, pipelines, and other transportation industries. The Office publishes regulations and provides official interpretations on drug and alcohol testing, including how to conduct tests, and the evaluation and treatment procedures necessary for returning employees to duty after testing violations.  The Office also coordinates the Department’s involvement with the President’s National Drug Control Strategy annually.

Key Resources

 A red and white checkered hot-air balloon is rising up toward the right, above a complex maze below. A slogan to the right of the balloon says, “Preventing Substance Abuse Begins with Knowledge.”

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    Last updated: Friday, October 2, 2020