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MMWR  Metrics

MMWR metrics show the reports with the most reach for a given time period for three report metrics – views, citations and Altmetric attention

Report Metrics


The “Views” metric indicates the number of times a MMWR report has been viewed over a certain time period. This metric is the sum of “page views” which are web page views, and “PDF downloads” which are views of the PDF version.


The “Citations” metric is the number of citations a MMWR report has in the bibliographic database Scopus.

Altmetric Attention Score

The “Altmetric Attention Score” for a research output provides an indicator of the amount of attention that it has received. This information is captured by the system, Altmetric (alternate metrics).

This attention and activty is based on the amount of activity from Twitter, Facebook, science blogs, mainstream news, and other sources captured by for each publication.

How the Altmetric Attention Score is calculated