TTB Statistics and Data: Reports and Data

This page provides reports and data organized by topic. Select from the category below to get the latest data and resources.

Production and Operations Reports

Monthly and year-to-date statistical reports on industry-wide alcohol and tobacco production and operations.

Processing Times

Online labeling approval, applications, and information requests: Average turnaround time for processing requests when doing business with TTB.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Tax Reports

Quarterly and annual statistical reports on taxes collected by TTB; and current tax rates for Alcohol beverages, tobacco products, firearms and ammunition.

Marketing-Based Sampling Program

Open Data

High-value datasets including processing times, production reports, tax collection and more that improve public knowledge of TTB and our operations. See TTB Open Data page.

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Questions? Contact National Revenue Center (NRC) at 877-882-3277 / 877-TTB-FAQS or at National Revenue Center. For more contact information see our NRC contacts page.

Page last reviewed: September 06, 2012
Page last updated: June 6, 2017
Maintained by: National Revenue Center