Zach Gusé: I Wanted to Let the Light In

On October 13, 2018, Karlie Gusé disappeared from Bishop, California. Family and friends continue to carry hope for her return and memories of their time together. The Mono County Sheriff’s Office and the FBI carry an investigation that has yet to solve the mystery of where Karlie is.

Video Transcript

I just recently ... I'm in her room right now. I just recently did this about two weeks ago because I wanted to let the light back in and I was tired of cutting her off and leaving her in the dark. It was a huge moment. It was a ... God, I even put a sign on the door. It said, "Do Not Open," because I mean ... all the investigation, everything, and I just didn't want anybody to touch anything. Then it just stayed closed. Now it's almost been two years and I just said, "No, I'm opening it up. I'm done. I want to come in here. I come in here and I pray every single day."

This is her high ... they actually gave her a high school diploma because her circumstances are because it's not her fault that she's not here. This rose right here, one of her friend gave to her at his graduation. He gave it to her for her to come back and it's for her. This is a thing of sage. I don't know. Somebody told me a little guru about it and said it was to be a good thing to put in here so I did.

This is the Bible I leave in here for her. Here's a picture of us when I was hunting. I used to call her my good luck charm when we go hunting, all the time. I'd have to force her sometimes to go, but I'd get her to go. More times than not, I'd get a deer and it was fun. This is like her tapestry she put up. I don't know if you can see these lights. These lights light up. I know she put those up the way she put them up. Here's her glasses and just some miscellaneous stuff that was right next to her bed. Phone charger, little microphone for your music.

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