November 12, 2020

Return of Personal Effects to Victims of the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival Shooting in Las Vegas

The FBI assisted the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department with investigating the October 1, 2017 shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The FBI’s Victim Services Division has extensive experience providing support, resources, referrals, and emergency assistance to victims of mass violence. Crimes can have a devastating effect on victims and their families who may need assistance coping with the impact. Providing information and assistance to victims is a vitally important part of our response.

You may be eligible for certain services and rights, resources, and counseling as a result of this crime if:

  • You are the next-of-kin of a deceased victim
  • You or your loved one were injured
  • You were present but not injured

Additional information about these resources can be found below.

Recovered Personal Effects

The FBI’s Victim Services Division is making every effort to return personal effects recovered at the festival venue to those who attended the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on October 1, 2017.

We understand that some of these items may be very important to you. We worked with a company to professionally catalog and photograph each item that was recovered and has yet to be associated with and/or returned to the rightful owner. We have already returned hundreds of items and would like to return the remaining unassociated items. We are sending emails and letters to individuals whose contact information we received following the incident. If you have not received any communication from the FBI regarding personal effects you believe you may have lost or left behind, please email

Please note that while the FBI collected numerous belongings found at the venue, we believe there are many others that were not recovered and are not in FBI possession. Lawn chairs, straw hats, and vendor giveaways are not in our possession. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We ask for your patience as we process claims. Once ownership is verified and items are ready for return, you will receive a notification about the process to have them returned. If you need additional information, please email the FBI’s Victim Services Division at (Please note that this email is for victims of the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival shooting only. This email should not be used to submit tips or leads. We appreciate your cooperation.)

Vegas Strong Resiliency Center

The Vegas Strong Resiliency Center serves as a resource and referral center for residents, visitors, and responders affected by the shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival. Services include:

  • Victim advocacy and support
  • Case management
  • Counseling and spiritual care referrals
  • Technical assistance accessing online resources

Address, hours, contact information, and additional resources can be found at