Finance and Performance Budgeting Division

Director, Finance and Performance Budgeting Division

Joseph Burruss


The Finance and Performance Budgeting Division (FPB) provides financial and budget information and service to its customers. FPB provides financial and budget oversight for TTB, represents TTB at Treasury in financial matters, reviews management and internal controls, monitors the financial position of TTB, and coordinates the outsourcing of the core financial accounting system.

What We Do

FPB's responsibilities include:

Budget Formulation and Performance Integration

  • Prepare Congressional and Office of Management Budget (OMB) briefing materials
  • Prepare Departmental, Congressional, and OMB budget submissions
  • Respond to OMB/Treasury DO Budget Data Requests (BDRs)
  • Reconcile and take responsibility for OMB MAX data input

Budget Execution

  • Execute budget actions in accordance with Administration guidelines
  • Move funds between object classes on an as needed basis
  • Track and project payroll costs
  • Track major contracts
  • Perform midyear review

Accounting/Revenue Accounting

  • Oversee and coordinate with the Bureau of Fiscal Service's Administrative Resource Center (ARC) on a variety of matters including: accounting, financial reporting, payroll, internal controls, and financial systems
  • Perform tax accounting function and reconcile the Bureau's tax systems to ARC's accounting system
  • Coordinate and support the annual financial statement audit
  • Perform systems accounting
  • Review and certify monthly Treasury Information Executive Repository (TIER) data and annual financial statements
  • Plan, analyze and coordinate management controls over financial activities
  • Serve as back-up on budget formulation and budget execution matters or special projects (OMB Budget Data Requests, etc.)
  • Perform accounting for excise taxes from the alcohol, tobacco, firearms and ammunitions industries, including accounting for tax collections, refunds, cover-over payments, billings, write-offs, and revenue accruals

Green icon with a white phone. CONTACT US

Please direct correspondence to:

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Director, Finance and Performance Budgeting Division
1310 G Street, NW, Box 12
Washington, DC 20005





Page last reviewed/updated: 09/19/2018