

Letter to Chairman Ron Johnson and Chairman Charles Grassley on the Status of OIG Open Audit Recommendations

Requested by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary
Project ID: 


We sent our response to Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Charles E. Grassley regarding their February 27, 2015, request that we provide the status of OIG open audit recommendations. Specifically, they requested the following: (1) the current number of open recommendations, their dates, and cumulative estimated cost savings; (2) a description of all audits and investigations provided to the Agency for comment that did not receive a response within 60 days; (3) a report on each investigation involving GS-15 level employees (or equivalent) and above where misconduct was found but no prosecution resulted; (4) a description of any instances of whistleblower retaliation and any consequences imposed by the Agency; (5) a description of any attempts to interfere with our independence, including restricting our communications with Congress and budgetary constraints designed to limit our capabilities; (6) a description of any instances where the Department restricted or significantly delayed our access to information; and (7) a description of all closed audits and investigations that were not disclosed to the public.