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User Registration 

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Type of Application Doc To Help
You've never had an online account with TTB
In the past, you had an online account with TTB that has been inactivated
Personal Information Doc To Help
* First Name:      M. I.:      Last Name:      Suffix:  
* Employer:    Title:      Label Rep. ID:  
* Phone Number:
    Fax Number:  
Address Format:
* Street:
* City:
* State:
* Zip: -
Business E-mail Addresses Doc To Help
Up to three e-mail addresses may be provided. COLAs Online and Formulas Online will correspond with the Primary e-mail address.
Set as Primary E-mail Address
Authentication Questions Doc To Help
Select three questions and provide answers. These answers will enable you to create your initial password, and will be used for authentication should you ever forget your password.
Question Answer

We collect this information to verify your compliance with Federal laws and regulations that TTB administers. The information collected on this form must be considered confidential tax information under 26 U.S.C. 6103, and must not be disclosed to any unauthorized party under 26 U.S.C. 7213.