Online Claims Submission


TTB has set up an online submission process to facilitate industry's ability to file and receive payment for claims. Claims that are submitted in hard copy by mail will be significantly delayed. Please note that there is no need to resubmit previous claims sent by mail - TTB is working to process them.

If you have any questions about your claim, or have general questions for the National Revenue Center (NRC), please submit them through the NRC Contact Form.

Claim Submission Instructions

  1. Download to your computer a copy of TTB Form 5620.8 Claim - Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Taxes.
  2. Complete the claim form (see instructions on page 2).  Make sure you sign and date the bottom of the form.
  3. Please submit ONE claim form per submission. Upload as attachments your completed claim form together with the required documentation for that claim (maximum of 7 MB per submission). If you are unable to submit all the required claim support due to file size limitations, reduce the file size and provide as many pages as possible. TTB will contact you if needed.

*Indicates a required field

  Tell us about you and your business  
*First Name   
*Last Name   
*Business Name   
  * Enter the name that appears on your TTB permit/Brewer's Notice/application, or enter "None" if those documents do not apply.
  Tells us about your claim
Include ONE signed claim form and required documentation.  Acceptable file types: Word, Excel, PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF

How can we contact you?

*Email   Alternate Email  

*Telephone Number

Alternate Telephone Number

Best time to contact

*Preferred Contact Method

Green icon with white phone.  IMPORTANT - Expect significant delays for claims submitted in hard copy by mail.

Green icon with white phone.  CONTACT US - If you have questions please contact us online using the National Revenue Center Contact Form, (category type: Tax – Claims), or call 877-882-3277 / 877-TTB-FAQS (toll free), between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.




Page last reviewed: March 25, 2020
Page last updated: April 1, 2020 
Maintained by: Office of Communications.