New Audit Announcements


Audit Initiated of DOT's Implementation of MAP-21 Acceleration of Project Delivery Provisions

Project ID: 


The Office of Inspector General plans to conduct a series of audits using a three-phase approach to assess DOT’s project delivery reforms carried out under The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).  Subtitle C of MAP-21 contains key provisions to accelerate the delivery time of surface transportation projects and reduce costs.  It directs the Department to identify and promote reforms that will reduce the time and money required to plan, design, and construct surface transportation projects. Accordingly, our objectives for our Phase 1 review are to:  (1) review the Department’s plans to carry out provisions of MAP-21, Subtitle C; (2) assess the status of planned actions; and (3) identify significant challenges that could affect the Department’s timely implementation of those plans.  We will develop specific audit objectives for the second and third review phases as our work progresses.