The BLM’s Threatened and Endangered Species Program works to conserve and recover federally-listed animal and plant species and their habitats on public lands.  The program also shares cooperative responsibility with other BLM programs and partners for conservation of species proposed for listing and designated Bureau sensitive species with a goal of avoiding the need to list them in the future. The BLM manages habitat for over 300 wildlife, fish, and plant species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and 12 species identified as candidates for listing.  BLM-managed public lands offer the best opportunity for recovery of many rare or listed plant and animal species because their unique requirements for survival may only occur on federal lands.

Find regional information about healthy landscapes for wildlife, fish, and plants.

ABOUT the T&E Program

Close up of a snowy plover chick on a beach. BLM Oregon photo.Find the definition of threatened and endangered species and resources for more information here.  

BLM Role

Scientist measures the amargosa vole. BLM California

Learn more about BLM habitat management and partnerships that support Threatened and Endangered Species and sensitive species.

Featured Photos

A close up of a tiger lily. BLM Oregon photo.

View our photos of threatened and endangered species on @mypubliclands Flickr.

Featured Video

Watch the release of a California Condor at the BLM-managed Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona.