National Minerals Information Center


Commodity Specialists

Commodity Specialists

Minerals Information commodity specialists collect and analyze information on production, trade, and consumption of minerals from raw material through refining to finished products. Links to specialists are found on commodity index pages.

Go To Commodities

Country Specialists

Country Specialists

Minerals Information country specialists collect and analyze information on production, trade, and consumption of minerals throughout the world. Links to country specialists are found next to country-specific publications.

Go to Countries


Chief, Mineral Commodities
National Minerals Information Center
Phone: 703-648-7720
Chief, Global Minerals Analysis; Associate Director (acting)
National Minerals Information Center
Phone: 703-648-4976
Chief, Data Collection and Coordination
National Minerals Information Center
Phone: 703-648-7971
Center Director (acting)
National Minerals Information Center
Phone: 703-648-4910
National Minerals Information Center
Administrative Officer
National Minerals Information Center
Phone: 703-648-7971